Adding Text and Lines to a Layout

To add text in the background of your layout, click on the Text Tool    in the Program Toolbar, then click in the background of your Layout to get a Text Insertion Cursor.  Type your text, and then click elsewhere in the background to end the text session.

Your text is now a free-floating Text Object that you can drag to any position in your layout (even on top of a Photo Frame).  You can change the font and appearance of the text by using the commands under the Text menu.

You can add Lines to your Layout by clicking on the Line Tool or the Arc Tool  and then dragging your cursor in the drawing area. You can resize the lines after you draw them by dragging on the square handles at their end points.  You can move them by clicking on them and dragging.

To delete text or lines from your Layout, simply click on the object and hit the delete key.